Friendship Feast
"Touching lives and making friends one hot meal at at time"
Thank you for being a wonderful blessing by giving and supporting the efforts of Friendship Feast Association in Dodge City! We are entering our tenth year as an independent, 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization and ministry, and we are so appreciative of your prayers, help and encouragement. We couldn’t make it without the Lord, and you! What do we do? Because of people’s generosity, we continue to serve a hot, nutritious meal every week, Monday through Friday, to people who are hungry and in need.

Kid Hot Meals
Adult Hot Meals

The Feast was started in 2000 when members of the First Presbyterian Church heard of a homeless man who was living under a bridge in Dodge CIty. The members soon reach out to the man to help him and the idea was born to cook for him. With $500 and the work of Bill Bailey and Pastor David Clipson, the first feast occurred two weeks before Christmas in 2000. The doors have been open to feed the hungry, both body and soul, ever since. Over the last five years, over 120,000 meals have been served!!
In 2012 the Friendship Feast Associate of Dodge City was formed as an independent non-profit organization. With this change a board of Directors was formed that meets every other month.
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Strengthening our communities, together
You can now support the Friendship Feast through Walmart's Registry for Good! You can help us by purchasing items that we need by purchasing them at and Walmart will ship directly to us! Thank you Dodge City for all of your support!
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None of this is possible without your support
Even though we receive grocery and food items throughout the year, it still requires $4500-$5000 in monetary contributions each month to keep us operational. Would you prayerfully consider helping us continue this mission?
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